Friday, January 9, 2015

Fri-Diary: Back In The Saddle Again!

Photo Cred
Oh hey!

Its finally Friday!! Its been a glorious day off.  I was able to finish up laundry, clean my room, catch up with a friend over lunch and drinks and finishing off the night with a relaxing night of Netflix & margs (actually leftover Razz-ber-itas from the playoff game last week lol).

This week was a stressful first week back of the new year!  I had 5 days off for the holiday and jumped back in with lots of reporting and paperwork to finish before I left for the day yesterday.  So, today was a welcome day off :)

I have really loved writing the blog posts again this week and I can't wait to see what happens as I continue on this journey!  I am going to try to (may regret this later) post every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  My Friday posts will sort of be a diary of my last week; aptly named "Fri-Diary."

I decided on Monday that I wanted to get back into blogging again.  I really enjoyed this when I was doing it a year ago.  I think it is a really therapeutic outlet for me!  I also like that accountability that comes with stating something publicly *ahem- #100byvday* and then having to follow through.  So, make sure to find me on Facebook, Insta or Twitter and rag on me if I'm not doing what I'm supposed to!

Snow decided to ruin my day on Tuesday!!  I went to bed on Monday laughing at my friend Megan who was praying for snow and wearing her pajamas inside out in hopes of the white fluffy stuff.  I woke up on Tuesday cursing her!  Apparently I was living under a rock and didn't realize it was supposed to snow.  Low and behold I woke up and there were inches of it on the ground and it took me over an hour to get to work instead of my normal 15 mins.

Tuesday also brought one of my favorite ever work stories.  We had a random delivery of lamb kabobs (12 plates actually) and we were told that they were from some advertising guy.  Well, thank you, advertising guy!  So, we all ate our lamb and it was delicious!  Then about 20 mins later a group of residents came looking for their package and when I finally got through the language barrier we found out they were looking for their delivery-- of food!!! OMG we ate someone else's food!  We gave them the seven remaining plates and said sorry, but the woman who delivered them didn't know what was going on... oops!
My Tuesday morning commute down Rt. 32

Challenge Wednesday?  Sure, why not!  I have been following the YouTube Channel for the Tone It Up! girls and thought-- "I could do that!"  So, wish me luck!  I am not starting off the best, but I am going to do it!  I am going to finish this blog and head down to the gym right now!  Keep your eyes out for a gym pic ;)

Thursday was a busy day at work and I was happy to see it end.  Also- Parenthood returned to tv.  I can't handle this show!! Its the final season and someone is supposed to die-- come on!  This is too stressful!  There are only three more episodes of the series and I am going to sob like a baby!

Today was a fabulous day!  Like I mentioned, I got to hang out and catch up on domestic duties!  I have gotten way better at my laundry!  I don't know if I've ever mentioned that I have a shopping problem, but I realized just how much clothing I had when I moved.  It's insane!  I used to wait to do my laundry until I ran out of underwear-- yes, I could wait that long and not repeat an outfit!  But, I have been really good in the new place and have kept up with it!  Nana should be proud!  So, three loads later and my laundry is done!  My room is finally in order and decorated the way I want it!  AND I got to hang out with the handsome Hunter Evans ;)

Apparently I look like my mother in this...
I will be celebrating my friend Kate's birthday with her this weekend and I can't wait!  Hope everyone has a great one!

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Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Tone It Up- Love Your Body Challenge!

Whats up guys!!  So, I started this blog two years ago!! Can you believe it!  Well-- when I started it I was starting a new year with a new challenge of staying on the Virgin Diet for the 21 day restriction.  I did it and was so happy at the end with my results.  Only thing was that I didn't actually stick with the new healthy eating habits as much as I should.  There are a few things that I picked up along those 21 days that I have kept around (gluten free pasta, coconut milk), but not everything!

So, I have decided that this new year will start with a new challenge.  I have signed up to be a part of the Tone It Up: Love Your Body Challenge!

The L♡VE Your Body Challenge!!

Image from

This is a challenge put forth by Karena and Katrina of Tone It Up!  I have seen their show on Bravo before and watched a few of their workout videos and just love them as people!  The Love Your Body challenge is 6 weeks (I'm starting a little late) long and it is meant to help you "love your body for Valentine's Day."

A little note from Karena & Katrina from the Tone It Up Blog:

"You’re going to be too hot to handle on Valentine’s Day. We want you to feel so refreshed, energized, confident and beautiful, that NOTHING will stop you. This is going to be an intense 45 days… you’re going to love your new lifestyle. There are going to be times that you don’t want to finish what you started, but remember, you have thousands of women in the Tone It Up Community that have your back. If at any time you feel like giving up– we will lift you up. We all have our days, so remember that!! We are a Tone It Up TEAM- Together Everyone Achieves MORE!

We need your commitment… right now. Your body is the one thing you have your whole life. It is yours- it is beautiful and it depends on you to treat it right.

You will workout harder than you ever have, fully commit to yourself and your dreams, discover a confident side that will be contagious to others and you will be in the best shape of your life for Valentine’s Day. We’re ready for you… are you ready for Y♡U!?!!?"
I love them lol... quite the little cheerleaders!!  I am ready!!

The workouts are something that I will need full motivation for!  I have a hard enough time getting myself up in the morning-- let alone trying to get myself to the gym everyday.  I mentioned on Monday that I moved-- well I have a full gym that is free now!  Why not utilize what I have!  I have already missed one week of this challenge so I am a little behind, but I think that starting is the best step to take!

I have also decided to take their challenge of #100byvday.
Image from

This means that I will have travelled, be it running, swimming, biking, 100 miles by Valentine's day.  Wooooo this is a far distance lol... I think that I can do it!  No-- I will do it!

If anyone else wants to join me let me know!! We can check in with each other and keep the motivation going!

Ahhhhh! Wish me luck!

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Monday, January 5, 2015

Welcome, 2015!

Well hey there... its been a little while!

2014 was, by far, one of the hardest years of my life.  The loss of both of my grandfathers in less than a 6 month time span was really hard.  I wasn't in the mood to do anything really.  I was planning on posting like I did the first year, but after the way the year had started I just didn't feel like it.  I have missed blogging!

While it was a rough year, there were a few really fun things that I got to do!

I got to travel to Key West to see one of my oldest and best friends get married!
First day on the beach at The Reach
Everyone at Rehearsal Dinner
She loved the personalized sign!

<3 them.
Me and Miss Laney
He's not right!
Good morning from The Reach!
Sunset at Mallory Square
Final day in Key West-- take me back!
I got my first tattoo!!
My left side on the rib cage
It is a drawing from The New Yorker of my college dance teacher, Galina Panova, from her Broadway show "On Your Toes."  I am obsessed with her and have officially gotten the itch for more.  Will keep you updated as the inking continues!

I also got to go to some really great concerts and hang out with some of my favorite people.
Me & Kate at OAR at Merriweather
Showing off my dancing skills
Luke Bryan at Eagles Stadium with Kate!
Pre-Luke Tailgating

I finally moved!! I have cut my commute from 1 & 1/2 hours to 15 minutes!  Its amazing!  I will try to get some apartment photos soon to show my new little nest!

Got to celebrate the New Year with my bestie, Megan!  We decided to make it a jumpsuit kind of night and had a great time!
Megan, Erica and Me
Can't keep a straight face
Pinkys up!
Found Tyler!
Happy New Year!!

I am ready and waiting with open arms for the new year!  Can't wait to see what it brings me!

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2015!

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Monday, May 26, 2014

Happy Memorial Day!!

Happy Memorial Day!! 

Today is a day where we give thanks to those who have put their lives and the lives of their loved ones on hold to fight for our right to freedom.  I want to take a moment to say thank you to all of the men and women who fight to make my life a better one-- thank you for all that you do!

So, I'm baaaaaack!  I have apparently forgotten how much I love blogging and chatting with everyone!  Cannot believe its been almost 5 months since my last post!  And my last post was about resolutions and wanting to post more each month lol... shame on me!


I was on my way to work this morning and listening to my favorite show on XM, Wakeup With Taylor, on the Starz channel.  Yes... I have become a weird talk radio person!!  This show is really what makes my 1 1/2 hour commute to Columbia possible!  The special that was running today was all of the interviews that they had during their month-long series called "Brain Over Body."  This was to help women see that we don't need to be so hard on ourselves, and that being happy within needs to come before being you can be happy with the outside.  This is something that I struggle with daily.  One interview really struck me and made me think about why it is that I need to get myself healthy.  She said that if you focus on your "why" for being healthy it will help to combat any temptation and guilt that may come along during the journey.  I haven't ever really sat down and thought about "why" I need to be healthy.  Is it for me?  Am I more worried about what other people think?  WHY do I want to lose weight and be healthy?  

The woman that they were speaking to, Jennifer Jacobs from Biggest Loser Season 2, was explaining that, for her, it really helped to sit down and write out her "why."  She was able to have everything written down and she could see why she wanted to make this lifestyle change.  I need to have a "why" for myself!

So, I have decided that tonight I will sit down and challenge myself to write down my list of whys for making the decision to change my lifestyle and become a healthier and happier me.  Better late than never, right?!

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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013: Eat Your Heart Out!

Can you believe that tomorrow is 01.01.14?? I can't!  It has been a whirlwind of a year for me.  I don't usually go into a new year feeling good about the past year, but this year has been a great one for me!

I started off the New Year with an idea that I would start a blog.  I cannot believe that it has been an entire year since I started "And So She Would Dance...".  This process has been so fun and I have loved every minute of it!  I always wanted to keep a journal, but was never disciplined enough to do so.  I haven't been the most disciplined with this, but I am planning on making a more concerted effort to post at least once a week!  I have also reached over 5,000 views!!  Such an exciting year for this little blog :)

I went to a total of 5 weddings this year!  Seeing 5 of my favorite people get married was amazing!  Because of these weddings I was able to go to three different states and hang out with the most amazing friends and family!!

2013 also brought two of the sweetest little people into my world!  For 24+ years Amy and Nick have been two of my closest friends.  This year they each brought a special little one into this world.  Little Olivia and Jase may be the cutest things I have ever seen!! Three years ago I stood with Amy while she married her best friend, Jason.  And, in 11 days, I get to see Nick marry Ali in Key West :)

It was a big year for my career too!  I was nominated for an award by my peers and superiors!  I had such an amazing time at the BMA's this year!  Cannot wait until next year!  This year also marked a huge anniversary for Bozzuto-- 25 years!! Congratulations!  I was also promoted in October of this year!  Being an Assistant Property Manager has been a challenge, but I have loved every minute of it!  I am so happy with what I am doing and the company that I work for!

2013 brought me to another challenge of running the Color Run.  I did it!  I wasn't nearly as prepared as I should have been, but I made it and didn't kill Brittany lol... I am ready to do it again in 2014!  The race is happening at the National Harbour again in May, 2014, and I am gathering people for my team this time around!  Who's with me!?

I have met some amazing new friends, seen a lot of cool places and done a lot of fun shit!  I wouldn't have been able to do any of it without you guys!  Thanks for an amazing year!

I have big plans for 2014!!  I am ready to start my new year traveling to Key West to see Nick and Ali get married!  I am excited to travel this year!  I am planning on hitting up a few states to see my best friends from ECU as well as traveling to Europe to see my Aunt Suzi and Craig!  Katie and I have been talking about August, 2014 for the big trip!  We want to hit up London for a few days and then go off to Italy!  I am super excited and cannot wait to see what happens!  

I plan on being WAY more prepared for my 5k in May! This will be a great one because I already have some great people that will be running with me.  I am also super pumped around running another in the fall to honor my Uncle Nut-- Who is ready for the Haslup Hustle?!

Overall, I have loved the ride of 2013.  I cannot wait to see what 2014 brings and am excited to bring you along for my journey!!  

Cheers to 2014!

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